Category: Devotions

  • When your faith feels shaky (Part 1 and 2)

    “If you…believe in your heart…you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9 “Reach out…stop doubting and believe.” – John 20-25-27 Have you ever questioned your faith?  Maybe you don’t feel like your faith is strong enough or maybe you wonder why God doesn’t talk to you or answer your prayers.  Doubt is something all Christians will face at…

  • When you feel anxious (Part 2 and 3)

    Philippians 4:6 – “Do not be anxious about anything” As we looked at anxiety two days ago, these next two devotionals focused yet again on anxiety.  Tomorrow’s devotion is also on anxiety.  I think they spend so much time on anxiety for good reason, because it has such an enormous impact on many of our…

  • Delayed post…

    Sorry…. I’ll post about today’s devo with tomorrow’s post 😀

  • When you feel anxious (Part 1)

    Philippians 4:6 – ” Do not be anxious about anything.” Anxiety consumes pretty much everyone.  We can’t help but feel nervous and worry about stuff.  Why are we anxious?  It can fall into three different categories: (1) About things we all face: Like aging, disability, retirement, loneliness, financial uncertainty, accidents, illness, losing a loved one,…

  • What’s your vision?

    Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Sometimes we have a vision to do something in our life, but when problems come that vision is quickly let go because we are only aware of what we are doing and the vision seems unattainable.  The verse above from the book of Proverbs…