What’s your vision?

Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Sometimes we have a vision to do something in our life, but when problems come that vision is quickly let go because we are only aware of what we are doing and the vision seems unattainable.  The verse above from the book of Proverbs (which by the way is an awesome book of wisdom and knowledge) doesn’t mean people will die because they have no vision, but rather they will live a life with no passion or direction.  Sounds kind of boring to me… I am a purpose driven person, and I have to see the purpose in things I do to be able to experience the joy of doing it.

But sometimes we need a bigger picture; a vision from God so you begin to see what God sees and not your own eyes.  When you receive a vision from God you’ll have a different perspective on what you are doing.  When your own visions seemed unattainable… God’s visions for you is attainable!  Though they may be quite large, it takes small steps at a time and hard work to reach it.  Suddenly we are driven by purpose and direction to reach this vision that God has given us, and that is why we do not give up on it so easily like our own visions.  It’s almost as if we’ve been commissioned by the President of the United States to take on a task.  Of course we will do our best!  The President just asked us to do something!  In the same way, visions that God gives you are so much more important than anything that the President asks of you, because the things you are doing fall into God’s plan for your life and others as well.  Christian leader says: “Vision, like courage and discipline, is a trait that can be developed by anyone willing to work hard at making it part of their every day life.”  It takes hard work and willingness to carry out God’s vision in your life!

I’ve recently had a vision that felt God showed me.  Actually it is quite a long story, but for those who don’t really know me, I help my church lead the Youth group.  Back in May, I gave this analogy during a sharing about being on fire for God.  It’s like a matchstick being lit.  But the whole analogy was more than that.  Matchsticks are so easy to catch fire, and they will burn rapidly for the first few seconds, but then slowly start to fade away.  It parallels to how Christians today catch a fire for God and burn so bright for Him, but only for a short time and soon burn out because of so much work or duties.  Then I began to share with the youth, what happens if multiple matchsticks were bonded together, and one of them catches fire…  They will all light up!  And not only that, their flame and light is so much greater than just one matchstick.  That was back in May…  About 3 weeks ago I had a prayer meeting, and I got this vision about people who were on fire for the Lord.  It wasn’t a clear picture that I could see, but it was like God talking to me through the prayers.  He was telling me there are those who are on fire for Him at my church, but they are individual fires by themselves, and could soon fade and die.  It was up to me to bring them together so they will burn brighter and stronger together…  When that happens, other people will catch the fire and begin to burn for God!  It’s quite funny how God uses my own teaching and says to me, “you taught it…now it’s time to actually DO it…”  I feel so on fire for Him right now, and the vision God gave me is to bring others on fire together so we can do something that this church has never seen before.

I’ll leave you all with a song that continues to speack to me.  It’s by the Jesus Culture band, written by Chris Quilala:  (If I can find a YouTube version, I’ll post it up)

Burning Ones

Here inside Your presence I’m taken by the wonder of You
Here inside Your glory we give our lives fully to You

And we cry Holy, Holy are You
 We cry Holy, Holy are You
Your Love it burns inside our hearts are satisfied by You
Your Love is all we want is why we ask for more of You
Holy, Holy are You
Our hearts are burning, burning for You
We are Your burning ones. We are consumed by You
We set our lives apart. We are consumed by You
So let this light be like a fire. Let our light be like a flame
Fill our souls with Your desire. Let our passion bring You fame


