Tag: Christianity

  • The roller-coaster ride of life (Part 5)

    Ecclesiastes 3:11 – “He has made everything appropriate in its time.” If you ever feel like giving up on this roller-coaster ride of life, that you just can’t keep the faith during the times of lows; remember 5 things God is sitting right next to on on that roller-coaster!  Deuteronomy 31:8 says: “The LORD himself…

  • The roller-coaster ride of life (Part 1)

    Ecclesiastes 3:11 – “He has made everything appropriate in its time.” Sometimes it is just amazing how God allows things to happen at the right moment and at the right time…  It’s like a good parent who finds the opportune time to teach their children, and their children will be changed because of it.  Think about…

  • The Battle Within

    Judges 1 – Israel Fights the Remaining Canaanites: This chapter was about Israel battling against the Canaanites so they can claim the land that the Lord promised them.  Yet the Israelites failed to completely remove all of the Canaanites and the chapter explains that they did not drive them out, but instead turned them into…

  • Do Hard Things

    I know I always try to start updating my site on a regular basis…and time and time again I get busy, overwhelmed and push this site aside.  For the most part, I’ve always updated this site about pointless things, but this time it will be different.  Why?  Because I am seeking to glorify God in…

  • Two Trees???

    Why do we miss the fact that there were 2 (TWO) trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden?  If you understand why that is significant, it can change your whole perspective on a lot of things!  I will write up another entry about this later, and some other things I’ve been thinking about…