When it comes to giant-problems

1 Samuel 17:4 – “A champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath.”

When we face giant-problems they can intimidate us and cause us to doubt, but there is hope, and God will give us an “opening” to overcome our giants.

When we are intimidated, we need to remember the victories that God accomplished like the parting of the Red Sea, the destruction of Jericho, and the defeat of Goliath.  If God helped His people with matters like those, can’t our BIG God help us through the giants we face today?!

We doubt because the words we hear about giant-problems are discouraging, disheartening, and destructive to our faith in God.  It’s times like these that we do not dwell on those words, but turn to God’s word, which has account after account of times God did great things in situations probably bigger than the problems we face today.  Isaiah 40:8 says: “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”  God’s word is endless!

Lastly, God always provides an opening to overcome our giant-problems.  The interesting thing is that these openings that God provide can be so small, that it seems like it can’t be done.  For the story of David and Goliath, Goliath could throw a spear half the length of a football field and wore armor that protected him from head to toe, except for one small opening between his eyes and forehead…and that is where David hit him with a rock!

Sometimes we may be so blinded by our intimidation and doubt that we don’t see that small opening that God has provided, but when we remember our God is a BIG God and can do BIG things, and start to draw and hold close His word in our Hearts we will see that small opening.  And if we are discouraged on how small the opening is, GOOD!, because you need to realize that you will only overcome giant-problems by the strength of God alone!  God will use those times to build your confidence in Him so you don’t rely on your own strength.

If you really think about it, if God allows you or I to overcome giant-problems by our own strength, we will say to ourselves: “I overcame that!  I persevered and endured and become victorious! I can face anything now!  What happens when you face a problem that you cannot overcome by your own strength…  Notice the contrast when we begin to rely on God’s strength: “It was TOTALLY GOD who helped me overcome that!  GOD gave me the strength to persevere and endure, and become victorious!  I KNOW GOD will help me through anything that comes my way!  Yes, the glory belongs to God when we overcome situations, so praise Him…always…

So what are your giant-problems today?  Maybe you do feel intimidated, doubtful, and discouraged…  Maybe it’s time for you to start relying on God.


